WHA kicks off it’s first program in 2022 with the Hmong Language class.

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On April 26, the Hmong Language program offered by WHA started up again. This is a program that is offered free to the community to anyone who wishes to learn the Hmong language.

WHA hopes to offer this a couple of times throughout the year to give opportunities for people to come and learn how to read and write in Hmong. There are 0limited seats so we encourage people to register early if possible.

The purpose of this class is to preserve the Hmong language and passing it onto future generations. This class is an eight week session which meets once a week for 2 hours with the instructor Song Lee. Currently, the class is set up in hybrid mode meaning that the students meet every other week online via Google Meet and then the other weeks they meet in person.

If you or someone you know may be interested, please use the contact us form on our site to send us an inquiry and we will reach out to you to discuss availability.